2nd Grade Activities
- Count within 1000 and understand (hundreds, tens, ones place value)
- Adding and Subtracting numbers withing 1000
- Estimating lengths and measuring using different units
- Telling time to the nearest 5 minutes
- Adding and subtracting money word problems
- Grade 2 students become fluent readers, able to sound out words they encounter
- Students will organize writing in an outline and write a rough & final draft using correct spelling and punctuation
- Identify and correctly use parts of speech including nouns and verbs
- Compares their own community with others; develop appreciation for multiculturalism.
- North American geography – bodies of water, mountians, equator, etc.
- Introduce governments, history of holidays, and famous historical figures
- Plant and animal life cycles; plus four seasons for year
- States of matter and how they change back and forth
- The human body including skeletal, muscular, digestive and nervous systems, plus how to take care of the body.
- Electricity including circuits and how to batteries work, magnets, and the Solar System – suns, moons, planets, and stars and their locations and movements.
2nd Grade Learning Binder