6th Grade Activities
- Express an opinion in writing and back it up with evidence from researched sources.
- Write an informational essay with an introduction and a conclusion that explains a topic using information gleaned from research.
- Type three or more pages in one sitting.
- Paraphrase what they’ve read in writing and use quotation marks and attribution correctly to share information without plagiarizing.
- Calculate percentages.
- Understand the concept of and do calculations involving ratios
- Divide fractions by fractions.
- Solve real-world math problems involving area, surface area, and volume.
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals.
- Solve equations in which X stands in for an unknown number, as a prelude to algebra.
- Use rich grade-level vocabulary words in writing and speech
- Understand that writing involves several steps: planning, revising, editing, rewriting and receiving constructive feedback
6th Grade Learning Binder